COVideo19: Bloomberg School Translate the Science in Twi

COVIDEO-19 ɛyɛ nhyeheɛ a adesuafoɔ a ɔwɔ Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health ɛfa bi botaeɛ ne sɛ wɔ bɛ yɛ apomuden nhwenɛ mu a ɛfa COVID-19 ho wɔ kasa ahodoɔ mu. Yɛ pɛ sɛ yɛ ma wo ne wadɔfo nyinaa sua kwan a wɔbɛfa so abɔ wɔ ho ban wɔ berɛ a atrɛ wɔ wiase na agye nnipa bebiree nkwa afiri wɔn nsɛn yi ho. Yɛ srɛ sɛ kyɛ saa nfonini yi ma nkurɔfoɔ nhunu hia a wɔ ho hia wo.
#COVID19 #coronavirus #jhsph #flattenthecurve #pandemic #JHUCOVideo

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Narrator: Dr. Nana Essuman Oduro



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